New Year's Eve we decided to head to Cincinnati to the zoo and see the festival of lights and celebrate with the animals who are just as wild as we are! It was packed, but so much fun.

Onah's 'terrified' face :)

Marie loving being pushed around in the stroller.

Carousel rides!

The gang (it was a chore trying to get them all to look at the same time, let alone smile!)

Me and my handsome boy! He still lets me hug him in public!

Pretty blue eyes!

The polar bear was the only animal out that we saw walking about and Izzy loved 'roaring' at him. This is her 'roaring' :)

Hallelujah they had a cheetah! His obsession!

"Look out for that cheetah!"

Onah not sure if he should enjoy this ride or not.

Marie chose the zebra...closest you'll get her to riding a horse :)
They enjoyed the ride, but the bad news is they let off the fire works while we were on the carousel so we missed the celebration!...We tried to smooth it over with Colten by telling him it was a fake, 'ball drop' cause it was only 9 pm. We could make it home before midnight before the real ball dropped.
(one problem...traffic)
So when midnight struck, we were in Lexington on Man'O War 5 minutes from home and we celebrated in the car...

Party in the front!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Slumber party in the back...ZZZZZZZZZZ
Excited to see what the new year brings! Many more sweet memories to come!

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