While updating my blog, I was looking back through pictures of last year, and I couldn't help but be amazed at how much my children have changed in LESS THAN A YEAR!
I was blown away the most by the change in Onah and Marie.
Not only have they lost so much of their
"baby faces"
but they look SO much healthier!
You miss the change when you see them everyday, but looking back it's quite amazing to me.....

This is Onah a few days after being home.
Interestingly enough, he just turned 4 and had his check up at the doctor. (which by the way....brave boy didn't cry for his 4 yr. shots!!!)
When I got his growth chart back from the nurse I almost cried!
Not even a year ago this little guy was in the 25th% for weight and about that for height........
NOW! He's the 53rd% for weight......
and the 50th% for height!

Marie after being home a few days.
She looks so much healthier now! She's lost quite a bit of the "baby face" too but look at the difference in her eyes in the next picture!

Okay so the smile helps! But healthy little babes! Love it!
Marie can't wait for her birthday, she says she won't cry when she gets her shots, but the poor thing cried just watching her brother get his! haha.
Mainly they are excited about turning 4 cause I told them they can go to school when they are 4!
And mommy's excited for that too!!!!!

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