The Spring view of our house

I have a little girl who LOVES water.....and getting WET
such a Tom-boy. I can't let her in the backyard and expect her to come back inside clean. What to do?!

So this is what a water table is for?!
And I thought it was just for water toy play.

What a better way to celebrate Spring than a trip to the farm?
This tree was shred to pieces from lightning!
We all fit!!!!!

Izzy has a new love........HORSES
Whenever we are in the car going for a drive it's like a broken record.... ''
Of course she's not lying in Lexington there is some sort of horse around every corner whether it's a statue or real!

Riding Lucy
Nature walk in the morning with daddy.

Colten and I took some alone time creek walking

One of his favorite things to do on the farm.
Putting on our slick boots and walking down the creeks

RUN........RUN.......get all that energy out!

Trying to be a farm girl.....poor thing, I really think her destiny is ballet, dresses, and everything princess imaginable!

Reminds me of a song.....
"She needed........WIDE OPEN SPACES"

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