First stop is Grandma and Papaw Huff's where we get to pile on top of Jordan! Love cousins! :)

And we get to try on lots of cute stuff that we take from Aunt Sabra! :) The best was a pair of earrings that my sister Sabra got for me when Matt and I were dating, they were horse earrings, cause she new I loved horses so much. Well, she forgot that my ears weren't pierced. You know she held on to those earrings for so many years (8+) until now so she could give them to my daughter?! How sweet is that! Love sisters! And Marie loved her earrings!
On to the farm @ Grandma and Papaw Lee's where we are so fortunate that Aunt Christie takes wonderful pictures to capture fun moments!

Running on the hay bales is one of the kids' favorite things to do. Jackson, Onah, and Carter are having a great time.

A stop by the pond to see the ducks. Izzy's favorite animal cause she can say it well and make the sound really well!

Riding the four wheeler! We were blessed with an unseasonably warm Thanksgiving so we had lots of fun on the farm!

My beautiful daughter! Gonna break hearts some day!

Colten chasing cousin Jackson.

Look out below!
My tom-boy Izzy. She loves the outdoors! Couldn't keep her in, and since grandma gave her an early Christmas gift she was outside in the dirt all day! All the kids have their own slick boots and they are the only type of shoes we take to the farm cause I know anything else will be ruined so everyone had slick boots except Izzy. Grandma found some for her and so now she can be wild and free with the best of them! She loved it!

Colten hunting for the first time.

Hide your children, get off the roads, look out, the boys are on the four wheeler!

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