Glimpses of the happenings in our home where we have quickly become...out-numbered.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend of Walking

So the doctor got my hopes up on Thursday and made it sound like I was going to have this baby before the weekend! Days passed by slowly and no baby so when the weekend came, we decided to go walking all day on Saturday. Looking back, I don't know what I was thinking cause I've tried everything only to make myself more miserable in the long run, so why I thought more walking would work is beyond me? :) But we did anyway. Besides it was fun to get to spend some fun quality time with just Colten before baby sis comes!

So we started off going to a small festival at a Botanical Garden where they had a corn maze, pumpkins, painting, and lots of other fun stuff. We walked the corn maze and was able to find some souveneir ears of corn, or for Matt and Colten more like swords for a great duel. Colten learned the secret of finding the good ears of corn: look for the ones that are so heavy they point down to the ground. The maze was nothing like 1 Fun Farm but it was nice cause Colten could lead us around and not get lost :)
After the corn maze we stopped by the pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin to decorate and paint. Colten didn't want to get a pumpkin cause he spotted a cool gourd that was in the shape of a duck. So he actually didn't even look at any pumpkins he was consumed by the gourds :) Which is fine cause he'll be going on a field trip at the end of the month with his class to a pumpkin patch, over fall break he'll be going to a pumpkin patch with daddy and the kids in 'UpTown' at church, and we'll be going to another pumpkin patch with my folks to celebrate Oct. birthdays in the middle of the month, so he'll have plenty other opportunities to pick out the perfect pumpkin :) He said, "mommy it's just like in the book, 'Too Many Pumpkins', I'll have too many :)" Here is the 'duck' before the painting ensues. Colten and Matt were discussing a plan on how to paint the duck. They knew they needed eyes on it, but didn't know how to paint the body. After much discussion they decided to paint it like the horses in downtown Lexington. The streets of downtown are filled with 'the parade of horses'. They are horse sculptures decorated and painted in various abstract ways. Colten LOVES to look at them and see all the different designs and at school in art class he got to design his own. So he wanted to paint his duck like the horses in an abstract way :) My two boys hard at work. Colten eventually quit painting to get his face painted and left daddy with all the work. It was a good 40-60 split of the work :) The duck turned out cute and everyone commented on it (which made Colten's day). Before we left Colten had to get his picture on the tractor and Matt had to get my picture with him as proof that I was there in all my glory :)
From this festival we left to head downtown to Rupp Arena and the Convention Center to see some Equine stuff for the equestrian games which had started. We walked and walked around the convention center for 2-3 hours and then left to head outdoors to all the festivities downtown. All of downtown was packed with tents, booths, live music, amazing food, and lots of people.
Along the way Colten had to stop and take a few pictures with some of his favorite horses along the way...
This one was Colten's favorite.
Colten was SUPER surprised when he spotted a race car. He wanted his picture taken so I stopped to take his picture next to it. He took a look at it and said, "no mom! I need to take another picture this time with my cool pose. So here he is in his 'cool pose' next to the race car...
We found some supper and watched some of the opening ceremonies on a big screen they had set up. Then we ventured over to check out some live music. As we waited for them to get the stage set up Colten entertained hundreds of people in the crowd with is crazy dance moves. It was quite funny. He was doing the 'pass the funk' wave, breakdancing (of course), s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n moves, the famous, "bear claw", and many more. He kept at it for a good 45 minutes! My favorite was when he decided to do the 'lasso and reel 'em in' move. All of a sudden I look up and see him swinging his hand over his head like a lasso into the sea of people behind us...throwing it out there, and reeling it in. I was too afraid to turn around and look to see who he 'caught', but about that time a lady came up behind me and said, "your son is too cute!" LOL He had me rolling all night long!
We finally got home at 9:45 and Colten was asleep within 5 minutes of being in the van on the way. It was a great evening with unbelievable weather and good times :)
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Adjustments Are Hard

Wow this weekend flew by so fast! Matt's parents took a spontaneous trip to Atlanta to see Tamme and Sean and the boys so they invited Colten to go along with them. I was kinda hesitant at first cause I didn't want Colten to be all the way in Atlanta if I went into labor (worked out okay anyway), but knew I would enjoy a weekend with just Matt and I before Izzy comes so we met them and let him travel down with them. He had such a good time. Matt and I ended up going out to eat together and getting a couple movies to watch, then had a lazy Sat. afternoon shopping at Sam's Club (watching Matt get sample after sample LOL), and played some cards that night with some friends from church. It's been so long since we've hung out and played cards! It was fun, especially because the girls beat the guys in Euchre AND I won in Phase 10! :) It's definitely been an adjustment and alot of changes the past couple months being here. Matt and I aren't used to spending so much alone time together :) I enjoy it and I know he does too, but we are so used to being around people all the time we find ourselves getting bored alot :) I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones getting to me today, but I find myself a little homesick missing all my friends back in Muncie. Before I was able to travel to see them whenever I'd be missing them, but can't really travel now with baby coming any day. Speaking of baby, Izzy is due to come on the 27th and I was hoping with all the move and stuff going on that she would be showing signs of coming soon, but as of last week she's not. She likes it too much in there I guess...just like her brother! Who knows I have all this week still. I just really don't want to have to be induced like I did with Colten cause that wasn't a great experience, (as if any kind of labor is, ha). Today I'm in a cleaning mood so maybe that's a good sign? I'll be sure to let everyone know when she arrives. If she's anything like her mother she will be fashionably late :)post divider tag

Monday, September 13, 2010

Home Sweet Home

As I promised, here are some pictures of our new home. As you can see, Colten had to help me out by posing in each shot. He's such a ham! I didn't take pics of each room, but there are 3 bedrooms upstairs with a full bath, living room, and eat in kitchen with lots of storage and closet space. Downstairs is another living room and HUGE closet that is Colten's toy room. There's enough room in the closet for all his toys on the organizer system and lots of room to play even! It could be another room in and of itself! Attached to that is a half bath. Also a laundry room with lots of shelves and space for storage. The garage is full of everything that couldn't fit into the house that we'll have to sell :) Once it's empty Matt will fill it with all his stuff I'm sure! We can't change anything in the house or even hang stuff up until we close so as you will see it's not your typical 'Lee home' :) There's no color and way to many borders! But all that will change when we close especially Izzy's John Deer room and Colten's Ivy room! This is the view from the street. Colten's standing on the front step. I am anxious to see what pops up in the flower beds in the spring. The huge tree in front of the house is a red bud too, which will be so gorgeous in the spring! This is our living room. Everything is smaller than what we're used to but we're getting used to it. We have a second living room downstairs that we'll use as a bedroom when Onah and Marie come home. Colten's all about his bubble wand, or 'light saber' apparently :) This is our kitchen. It's an eat in kitchen so our table is to the left of the room. I love having a dish washer and water and ice on the door of the fridge! We call this room the dizzy room. The border of choice in this room is 80's theme and ugly...but we'll change that. The floor is in great condition but if you stare at it too long it will make you dizzy and feel like you're going to fall over. haha

This is Colten's room. Again, the previous owner loved her border! Colten's room has Ivy border. I know, perfect for a little boy right? ha ha! He's adjusting to a smaller room. Hasn't really said much about the size. He's pretty proud of it :)
This is the backview of the house. I love the deck out the back door. I would sit out there more often if it wasn't for those pesky mosquitos!!!
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Two Weeks

Well, I don't really feel like I look big enough to have a baby in the next two weeks, but maybe that's cause I'm so used to looking at myself in the mirror. Matt made the comment the other day, "Man, you're getting bigger and bigger!" I said, "uh...I'm pregant! What did you expect?" LOL! So I have about 2 weeks yet till my due date. I was thinking maybe the move and all would move it along quicker, but it's not looking that way so far. It's been quite an adventure with this pregnancy that's for sure!
The past two weeks have been crazy and I'll try my best to re-cap them for ya'll (I just had to say that)! ha ha. We still have not closed on our house in Muncie which has made us unable to close on the house here in Lexington. Apparently the buyers had to switch the type of loan they were buying the house on which, we think, caused the bank to have to re-do all the paper work and put them on the bottom of the pile as far as, 'needs to be done', so we continue to wait and get frustrated with no return calls or timeline as to when we will close in Muncie. The joke now is that I'll be in the delivery room hearing..."PUSH"...."SIGN HERE"...."PUSH"...."SIGN HERE"..."PUSH"..."INITIAL HERE"!
We did have an answer to prayer though and were allowed to move into the house we are buying here in Lexington. We had 7 days to close on the house after we moved in, which didn't happen obviously. So we were asked to pay rent so the owner could cover the morgage payment due. We're just grateful to be in our own house and be able to 'feel ready' for Izzy :) The 28th and 29th my parents came up for a visit which was really nice. We love it when people come and visit :) We got to show them around Lexington and had a great visit. The funniest part of their trip was our night on the town. Lexington is always having festivals and there is always entertainment downtown of some sort. I have always wanted to go downtown in the evening to experience it and I know my mom would like it so we were going to go and look for horse drawn tours that I had found advertized online. Apparently with all the construstion they aren't currently doing them. We searched and drove up and down the streets for quite awhile looking. We came across some live music and what looked like a festival in the downtown area. Colten spotted a bounce house so of course we had to stop. We found a parking spot and walked to the excitement :) To our surprise, and my embarassment we found when we arrived that it wasn't a festival at was a college block party and everyone was drunk :) LOL...We stayed long enough for Colten to bounce for 5 minutes and left ha ha!
Matt has been extremely busy with work the past 2 months. He will be ready for a vacation after next Sunday ;) He's been busy trying to recruit volunteers and re-vamp a few things in the up-town area as well as get adjusted and figure out 'the system' and the check-in equipment and all that goes with being 'new on the job'. There have been several major events happen all at once at the church and has kept him busy busy busy, but I think he really enjoys it :) The past few weeks he's had the annual church picnic one weekend, this weekend was the fall kick-off event with the carnival, and next week is "All-In" Sunday so he has alot of planning for that as well. I think he will be taking a big sigh of relief after next weekend.
Colten is loving school and his new teacher. He comes home with funny stories every day and talks alot about the friends he's making in school. I am relieved cause I didn't know how he would do with the 'discipline policy' in class since he's never been in a strict classroom setting, but he is doing amazing! He stays on his 'green card' every day. Only had to pull it 2 times over the past month :) Last week he was so excited because he got "lunch bunch" for good behavior. This means for lunch he got to eat in the classroom with his teacher and watch a movie. He was so proud!
He went to the dentist for the first time last Friday...(I know, I know, he should have gone a long time ago, but what do you do when you have no dental?) Our Sr. High minister's wife is in the dental program at UK and was asking for patients to work on. I volunteered Colten :) It was only $25 for the cleaning and checkup so you can't beat that! She is great, and of course Colten has a crush on her now! He got everyone's attention in the room as he laughed throughout most of the check-up. No cavities and teeth look excellent :) His favorite thing was the sucky straw. He'd rinse his mouth stick the straw in his mouth and it would suck out all the water, instead of spitting it out. He tried several times to suck up Katelyn's hair :)
Last weekend we moved into our house. Matt decided to move everything in one night, Friday. He did and I was wiped out and so sore the next day. I didn't even do a whole lot! I was just overwhelmed by all the boxes and 'stuff' that wouldn't fit into our new house. We called Doug and Ellie in desperation and asked them to come down and help us for the day. I was so glad we did cause Ellie got my entire kitchen in order and everything put away. Doug cleaned up the backyard and mowed it for us and helped Matt carry alot of stuff and organize the chaos of boxes in the garage :)
Then Monday my mom came down and stayed till Thursday and helped with the rest of the unpacking :) We got Izzy's room put together and all our clothes and everything orderly. The only thing I haven't touched yet is the 'office' stuff. Colten has his own toy closet which he loves and it's convenient where it's out of the way cause there was NO WAY his toys were going to fit in his room :) Mom was able to stay and go to grandparent's day at Colten's school which he was thrilled about!
I had a group of ladies throw me a baby shower at church and got lots of cute girly stuff :) Then this past Sunday my sunday school class had another shower for me and wow, Izzy is set! She's ready to come now! I am stocked on diapers and wipes for a long time! I got lots more cute girly stuff and all the things I was needing. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such loving and accepting people! Of course they all want to babysit too :) I had some gift cards to use as well so today I was able to go out and get my itzbeen timer and moby wrap! I'm ready to have this girl!
I don't remember being this ready and uncomfortable with Colten. I'm to the point now where I don't feel the best everyday and can't walk for too long before I'm miserable and want to sit down anywhere. At night it's the worst cause my hips and tailbone get so sore when I sleep. I wake up and can't even roll over cause I'm so sore :( I made the comment the other day that I can't wait to have Izzy just so I can get some sleep! People laughed at me and said, have you forgotten what it's like to have a newborn? Seriously, at least I'd get 2 hours of sleep here and there vs. none at all. Plus Matt can help where right now there's nothing he can do to help me sleep.
Wow, I guess there's been alot going on the past 2 weeks! Hopefully I'll be posting about our newest addition soon :)
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While at the Children's Museum, Colten, Cade, and Matt display their amazing acting skills!