Happy Valentine's Day

Colten had to make a special box to keep his valentine's in at school. He decided on a monster that would eat the valentine's. I loved spending time with him creating this valentine's creature and he was excited cause he made the school news for his creative box!
Off to school on Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day the boys made the girls in the family feel extra special. We each received an invite from the boys to a dinner and dance. We were sent on a wild goose chase to pick up things for our date and while we were out the boys prepared a lovely meal and turned the house into "Great Cooks Restaurant" We returned to a dinner and movie. And after dinner were treated to a dance "under the stars" (glow in the dark stars on the ceiling). I got a chance to dance with all my boys...

Onah was so excited about dancing with is momma that his pants fell but he didn't want to stop the dance long enough to pull them up! Haha He was too stinkin' cute!

I hope this one always loves dancing with me! Love him

My date and I dancing under the star.

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