Go Cats!
Onah and Marie showing their true blue colors and enjoying the Cats winning the NCAA championship this year!

Around the Lee house we enjoy crazy hair!

Onah and Marie sporting the clown wig.

The next Ace Ventura Pet Detective

Ever seen a super hero in a dress?

she has no self-esteem problems

Trying to fill daddy's shoes......

Izzy does not want to be left out so she randomly puts herself in time-out like the older kids...........she's so crazy
Our favorite treat........ORANGE LEAF

Cracks me up when the girls try to be like their older brothers!
One morning Onah, Marie, Izzy, and Colten were all wrestling with daddy. Izzy was in her diaper and the boys were both in their underwear. All of a sudden Marie leaves comes running back minutes later in just her panties and shouts,

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