Where does the time go?? My little baby is 4 years old! He's no longer a baby :( We had a great time celebrating this year a little smaller than last year. We still had good times with friends and family, but I contained myself a bit this time with all the party stuff. Here are some pictures of our chucky cheese adventure with friends...
concentrating even though the game is broken
how cute is he?? He was so excited to spend the day at chucky cheese with his friends!
let the party begin!!!
All the boys!!!
Scary image for the future!!!! HELP!!!
On Saturday we had a small celebration with family and friends. Colten wanted everything to be super heros this year! He's into spider man and batman. He leared a few new ones on his birthday. He's into dressing up...he gets that from his daddy! He got some new super hero costumes and dresses up to beat up his daddy when they wrestle. It was a great time. Would have been better if I had remembered to buy ice cream!!! What was I thinking???
Colten with is spider man birthday cake. No I wasn't brave enough this year to make my own cake like last year. I went the easy route...Wal-Mart. Maybe next year!!
Papaw's hanging out at the party, they were good for opening up those hard to open gifts...they always have a pocket knife available!
of course...more race cars with tracks! Now we won't have to race on the kitchen floor, we actually have a track!!!
future drummer boy. Let's hope he is better than his mommy...
or Tom...
Who's this cute little brother!!! He loves to play too!
Thanks everyone for helping me celebrate 4 years with Colten!!! It was fun!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Colten is 4!!!
Posted by Matt and Terah Lee at 8:53 AM
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While at the Children's Museum, Colten, Cade, and Matt display their amazing acting skills!
That is one CUTE little drummer boy!
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