Dressed in our best to celebrate God's love revealed through a resurrection!
Spring Break vacation finally arrived for us at 12:30 pm Sunday, after the Easter services at church. We couldn't have been more ready to hit the road and head back to Indiana to see family!
First stop...Rushville to see mom on her birthday, Easter birthday this year, and hunt some eggs :)
Blowing some bubbles she got for Easter
I found it funny how most of the Easter eggs were hidden within arm's reach of dad's recliner :) But we were able to find some around other parts of the house.
Love this little man :)
Marie finding some jelly bean filled eggs...who's gonna share?
Had to take a picture to prove a record for the longest Izzy has kept a bow in her hair! :)
Monday we headed to Madison area to the farm to spend a few days and enjoy the great outdoors. Colten had a list of things in mind of what he wanted to do each day. Top of his list was to camp in the cabin. After seeing the weather wasn't going to be as warm as I expected I was kinda hoping he'd forget about it...He didn't :) We stayed in the cabin and kept each other warm with our love...(I know, cheesy right?!)
Here's some pictures of our time on the farm...
We did alot of four-wheel riding, on the big one as well! Funny how quickly they come running when you start up the engine :)
Spring is here to stay :)
Ok, so this was a little scary, Izzy was driving Marie around....AND....
She crashed into the playground!
Fishing day! I was surprised, all the kids loved being out in the boats and we stayed out for nearly 2 hours! The boys stayed out longer. I would have loved to stay out with them because it was so peaceful, quiet, and warm, but the girl's crying and whining were driving everyone else crazy :)
Ok so funny story about our boats...
I chose to take out the paddle boat as there were rumors that the mice loved the fishing boat. After about 15 minutes of beginning our fishing adventure, I'm floating along peacefully in my paddle boat when I hear a loud bang. I turn and see Matt beating his boat with a paddle! After laughing uncontrollably for a few minutes I hear him yell, "We've got a mouse! He ain't dead!" So for the rest of our time on the lake randomly you'd hear Matt beating the boat trying to kill the mouse on board. (The mouse won in case you wanted to know!)
Our sleeping quarters for one cold night! I was amazed at how well the kids slept! And how warm we stayed! Isn't it funny by the way how many times your kids have to wake up to go to the bathroom when you are camping vs. when you are in a home with warm beds! I think we were woke up every hour by someone having to go to the bathroom. You'd think their tushies would be so cold when having to go outside in 35 degree air that they wouldn't want to do it more than once?!
I think this was when Izzy thought being stuck on a boat was no longer entertaining.
She's got such a great smile!
Yay!!! He caught one! He was so excited to be the first to catch a fish!
Colten helping Izzy fish. No one was hooked!!!
The boys...
Izzy style fishing pole. Stick with a string and a worm! I think it entertained her for a good 20 minutes putting it in and out of the water!
Then Matt caught a fish,....wait a minute, that fishy looks familiar!
Onah's turn...yep he caught one too! And yet again, this little guy looks familiar. We take a look down his throat to find Matt's worm, Colten's worm, and Onah's worm! Yep, caught the same fish 3 times! haha So glad that fishy could sacrifice to give us some good fun fishing!
-Things we didn't get pictures of, all the frog spawn, tadpoles, and salamanders we caught for Colten, Onah, and Marie's classes at school.
-Target practice shooting Colten's bb gun, Matt teaching me to load/shoot some guns. (I think I nearly chipped my tooth when I shot the rifle! I wasn't ready for the 'kick'). Matt won't admit it but I think I'm a better shot than him! Maybe he'll want to take me hunting with him next Thanksgiving?! Only problem, I can't do the 5 am!!!
-The ducks we bought for the farm! All the kids each got a duck. We were able to play with them for a few days before we had to leave them for grandma to care for. Izzy named her duck Nelly. Marie named her's VV. Onah's is named Donald (classic). Colten couldn't decide so his duck will have multiple personalities I'm sure, it has 2 names...Little D (for duck) and Little C (for Colten).
-Riding horses. We got several rides in over the few days we were there. Then there was the last and final ride that ended with a scare.
-Hikes in the woods
Overall it was a great week. It would not have been a true Lee vacation without a trip to the ER. Yes we did that too :) Glad to be home but miss the time hanging out enjoying the outdoors with the kids! Summer will soon be here and we'll have more fun!

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