It's inevitable, my kids will get another year older every year, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! :( I'm just thankful every year that I get to celebrate it with them. There was a time when we celebrated birthdays with Onah and Marie a world apart and now, I get to soak in their giggles and smiles as they celebrate a day all about them!
Onah's turn to turn 5! He has talked and talked about turning 5 since he turned 4! He looks up to his older brother so much and thinks that one day he'll catch up with him! Try and explain that math to very persistent 5 year old!
There was no question when asked what kind of celebration he wanted to have for his birthday. Maybe 2 seconds past and he answered..."NINJA TURTLES!".
So we partied Turtle Style!!!.....
One happy boy that this day has finally come!
Colten was "Master Cheetah" who had planned all the activities during the party. He had a plan to train up the kids to be Ninja Turtles.
He was so excited to help plan his little brother's birthday party!
The Yummies mmmm
Colten and his 'students'
We had some fun making the masks :)
Onah and his friends in 'ninja training'
Breaking sticks with his BARE hands! (OOOHHHH!)
They had no clue there was candy in it, funny some of the things that are still new to them! There was shock when it opened and spilled out. Then I believe I heard Ale shout...GET THE CANDY! That's all it took! The kids came charging and there was a blob of kids trying to collect every last piece! So fun!
The 'bad guy' showed up! Onah took one look at him and said, "You aren't a bad guy! You are Bible Man!" haha, the kid knows his super heros! :)
Circling up and teaming up to defeat the bad guy!
He was defeated! So glad we had those tough swords!
Opening presents!
Getting presents is still a 'new thing' for Onah. When he was opening his presents it was hard for him to believe that it was all his! He wanted to give his legos to Colten because "Colten has legos, not me" I had to explain to him, "well, now YOU have legos!!!" Every time he'd open a present and hand it to one of his friends to play with! This kid is the best! I hope he never changes!!!
Onah, you are turning into quite the handsome boy! I know your smile melts mommy's heart! Not only do you show your joy for life on the outside, but you find joy inside by always being generous to others and helping others! I'm so glad that God chose me to be your mommy! I love you!!!
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