Two times now Matt and the kids have gone to visit some friends from church at their place and I have not been able to go! Whether it be sickness or busy with other things, I was not able to go and enjoy a day with them, but finally I got my chance! This is what I missed out on the first time when they went 'shed hunting'...
Rolling down giant hills...
Climbing rocks...
Beautiful waterfalls on the Kentucky River.
So I was pretty excited when I finally had a weekend that I was able to go out and visit. Not only was it beautiful and peaceful, but we had some fun too!
We caught lots of fish, did some shooting, and went hiking down by the river. Thanks Mellissa and William for such a great time! Can't wait to come back and visit soon!
Marie did NOT want to get any closer to her fish! Matt tried to talk her into giving it a kiss, she wouldn't hear of it!
Onah claimed every fish William brought in! :)
Colten waited so patiently! He was the last one to catch a fish, but once they started biting his line, there was no stopping!
Colten with one of his catches. He loves fishing!
Hunter waiting for a bite, she's such a sweetie! :)
I can't post without mentioning that I out-shot Matt! Sorry, I had to Matt. It's rare that I get such an opportunity!!

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