For Christmas I purchased a groupon for Matt to go rock climbing with Colten at Red River Gorge. They were able to use it at the end of Colten's spring break.
Matt's ready to go back tomorrow! He loved it...
Colten said maybe when he's 25 or 30 :) HAHA! Bless his heart. He tried it, and wanted to like it, but the repelling part scared him too much! Matt said he would run to the rock and climb like a pro, get half way, stop, look down, and freeze in panic! The guide would have to climb up after him and repel down with him.
Matt was able to snap some pictures of the good times :)
Two handsome boys!!
Learning how to climb...
The first thing the guide made them do was repel down a very big cliff...Colten was not about to fall down the side of a cliff!
Like I said, he loved to climb, just hated the getting down part!
This was his favorite one to climb. He called it the chimney chute.
Matt beasting it!
The only time he repelled!
Matt, Colten, and their guide. Matt said all the guys in their group that they climbed with were named Matt! (I think there were 4 Matt's!)
So we're climbing like a pro...
Wait, I'm almost to the top? (Look down...) And then we freeze/panic...
And we are rescued...haha
So glad that Matt and Colten got to spend some time together just the two of them. Not only did they have a good time rock climbing but they had good conversation! Something that needs to happen more often!

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