It has snowed a lot so far this winter. People always ask me if I enjoy staying at home this year. I do but one thing I miss is that feeling of having a snow day! Used to be, snow days were a vacation for me. I got to stay home from work and sleep in on snow days. But now it's the opposite. When it snows I'm stuck inside with no where to go and nothing to do. So, needless to say when it snowed and we got stuck in we had to get out in it and have some fun.
The first time it really snowed Colten was so excited!!! He wanted to be out in it. So I got him all bundles up and took him out to play. He had so much fun. He was excited to be in the real thing. You know all summer he had "snow ball fights". He would throw pretend snow balls at Matt and I all the time. He even threw snow balls at God when we prayed at night. One night he was throwing snowballs at God and he looked at me and said,
"Mommy, that man in the boat threw a snowball at me."
I said, "What man are you talking about?"
He pointed to the corner in his room and said, "The man in the boat."
After a few minutes of prodding we had came to the conclusion it was either Jesus or Peter in the boat.
So needless to say he was very excited to be in that cold fluffy stuff.
After "pretending" to fall face first in the snow several times
just to get the full effect, Colten decided to make a snow angel.
That didn't work out to well. He ended up smearing the angel's wings, head, or legs trying to get up. After I had bundled him up like the kid on "Christmas Story" it pretty hard to move around.
Colten wanted to have a REAL snow ball fight after that. He decided that I didn't throw enough snow balls at him and started throwing them at himself! It was quite the sight.

We tried to sled down the hill but it wasn't very slick. He ended up ditching the sled and enjoyed diving down face first. He didn't make it very far.
After we had enough of the cold we went inside. Colten posed infront of the Christmas tree and did a little "SNOW DANCE"
Then of course....what is a snow day without hot chocolate. Colten had to have his in a special cup...with a straw of course! I think this was the first time he had "his own" cup of hot chocolate. I love to drink hot chocolate so he has stolen lots of sips from time to time, but this is his first cup.
I love the part where he threw snow balls at himself. That's classic! Oh... and I wish I could have seen the snow dance. Somehow I think I've seen a variation of it in his other dance moves.
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