Last weekend we went to the Children's Museum in Indianapolis. Colten had a blast! We met up with his cousin Landon. Tamme, Grandma Lee, and Papa Lee showed up too. All the way up to the building he was checking EVERYTHING out! He saw a statue of a king tut thing and said, "Hey there's Jesus!" We had to correct him on that one! I don't know what made him think that was Jesus. So when we finally got inside he went NUTS! He looked up and me and said, "mommy I'm so gegsited!"...translated: "excited". He was all giddy cause there is so much to see and do as soon as you walk in the door!
So, here are a ton of pics of all the fun we had together!
Around the corner was a cute little spot that had the train enclosed in some glass. There was a little tunnel underneath where Colten could crawl under the glass and peek up on the other side. Here he is on the other side of the glass looking for the train to come chugging by!
We found a REAL CHOO CHOO! Colten wasn't that impressed with it, but we couldn't pass on the opportunity to get a picture with it!...I'm sure he'll thank me later!
He did get excited when he found that we could get on the real train. Inside you could sit and watch the "town" go by out the windows. I don't know if he really ever understood that was what he saw out the window, but when we were leaving the train he decided to stand at the rail of the caboose and yell, "All Aboard!" I snapped a picture just in time. Then he said, "All aboard the Polar Express!"...he loves that movie.
...."My, what big hands you have!".....
...."And what BIG feet you have!"
It's a BEAR!...(These bears don't look too scary to me!)
Speaking of BIG...Colten couldn't believe how big an elephant really is up close. The elephants at the zoo didn't look this big from far away!
Tamme has quite the job here! "Faster Aunt Tamme!"
Maybe they came by boat! Colten and Landon are ready to board the ship! Wonder who will drive?
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