Did I just ask who would drive? Look out! Colten has found his second favorite thing...race cars! Papa Huff, look out! I'm ready to go the races again! He couldn't reach the pedals but he didn't care! He was ready to tear it up!
And what usually occurs next, at least in our house, Colten can't stand to see his daddy all alone in the dog house, so he joins him! Like father like son I guess. I felt like breaking out a little jingle..."Who let the dogs out?...who...who,who,who?"

After racing in the car we went to the play place. Colten played in the water for a bit and decided to do some more racing of his own. He took off, and I saw him, so I started running after him. I knew he couldn't go far, but for a few seconds I couldn't see him and I frieked out! That is my worst night mare! After running into a poor little girl, he came into my sight again and I grabbed him! Okay, so I might have over reacted a little bit, but there were alot of people there! He and Landon wanted to play in the sand. Here are the cousins at play. Colten had fun showing Landon how to work the gadgets!
Colten's mind didn't stay occupied for very long! There was so much to do and see he couldn't stay in one place for very long. He has always tried to climb the climbing walls and has needed help doing that, but here he found a climbing wall he could do all on his own! He was so proud of himself! He told me, "mommy, say 'I'm so proud of you Colten'." 
Landon was close behind. If he could say full sentences I'm sure it would be, "Wait up cuz!"
....Okay....so this next one I couldn't resist! I mean, where do we say our husbands spend most of their time? That's right!
No trip to the museum is complete without a ride on the carousel! Colten had to pick a horse,...go figure! Aunt Tamme rode with him. He was so excited that he squealed every time he came around the corner and saw us! He
would shout, "HEY MOMMY! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! followed by loud laughter all the way around the corner! It was so funny to watch him!
Landon chose a giraffe with grandma Lee! We had a hard time getting a picture of him actually looking at the camera! It seemed like he never looked at us until he was already around the corner. He was so adorable. Those island kids are the cutest!
After the carousel it was off to a race down the slide with Matt and Colten. I love this picture
cause it shows how hard Matt tried to beat Colten, yet he couldn't. Colten, notice, is relaxed and enjoying the ride. Matt is workin' it, but getting no where! Isn't that how it always ends up? We try so hard to get ahead and it's always the people who don't work as hard as you who end up ahead? Ironic????
We had a great time at the museum and hope to go back soon. Colten didn't get to see everything there. He was upset that we didn't have time to go into the Science Works place. We walked right by it on the way to the parade...(That's where they line you up with this cute little flags...otherwise known to Colten as a fun poking stick and hitting stick...)and escort you down the ramps to the front doors and say, come back! I guess it is clever, they came up with a nice way to say, "Get out we are closing!" So thanks Tamme, Landon, Grandma Lee, and Papa Lee for spending the day with us at the museum! We had a blast!
It sounds like everyone had fun at the museum. I love Colten's comments, especially the one where he told you to say, "I'm so proud of you, Colten." How adorable! He's getting to be such a big boy.
I like the pictures. My favorites the one of Colten in the castle he's so cute
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