Another beautiful day in Lexington means exploring! We grabbed our old clothes and boots and headed to Raven Run. I love that there are places minutes from our house that we can get out and enjoy the great outdoors and like we are in the middle of nowhere :)
Here are some pics of the fun we had on our day out in the sun! Can't wait till we have more days like this, if Spring would just decide to stick around and quit playing peek-a-boo!
Beautiful creek...
Boys path walkin'. Looking for treasures...
Girls being....girls ;)
Found a spot to stop for a break...
Well...what have we found here...a cool hollowed out tree!! (It's the little things)
View from the inside...
Based on his eyes, this is about the time Matt said, you know bugs live in that tree stump! haha
My little adventurous peanut!
Nothing better than finding the perfect rocks to skip on the water!
This kid looks cool no matter what he's doing!
Creek walking...
She didn't think twice...
Marie on the other hand....she's my princess
The wet clothes dried, the mud was washed off, but the memories will last forever! Love exploring with them!

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