Colten celebrated his 8th birthday! It's crazy how fast time goes by! I always heard my own parents say to treasure every moment cause it goes by so quickly, and you never realize till it's your own baby growing up before your eyes!
Handsome little fella!!!! Just wanna kiss those cheeks!!!
One of my favorite pictures of us, 4 years ago!
Seems like yesterday!
Commence target practice...
So serious!
Went looking for my parents...this is where I found them!...Mom won! Guess I know where I get my talents!
Balen was so brave being the only girl!
Practicing on a moving target
He requested a bulls-eye cake...We did our best :)
Lots of shooting things...from shooting airplanes, to marshmallow shooter, to a sling-shot, to his own bb gun for the farm!
Even little Myah took some steps at the party!!! Sure she was bribed with some cake and ice cream :) Gets 'em every time!
I absolutely love watching him grow into a young man. I love seeing him take care of his little sisters, wrestling and laughing with his little brother, studying God's word together, sorting out trials that arise in his young little life, and watching his talents grow wondering how God is going to use them.
I love the fact that he never leaves the house without kissing his momma goodbye, I hope he never gets too old for that! Can't wait to see what another year brings and the moments we will get to cherish! Love this young man!

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