Over Labor day Matt and I and some friends of ours headed for Tennessee to the smokies. We all went in on a cabin and had a lot of fun. Colten was super excited to go on vacation. This is the first year we've actually gone on vacation and he understands what a vacation is. We did not any vacations last year and the year before that, Matt and I went on a short trip while he stayed at Grandma and Papaw's. So he was pumped and ready to go...especially since we got our new van and he can watch movies while we travel! Our first stop was in Cincinnatti to the Newport Aquarium and a Bengals game with Tom and Stacey and Garrett.
Colten and I are checking out a 'Giant Alligator Snapping Turtle' It was huge! At first we thought it was fake and then it began to move...Colten went nuts!
Colten and I checking out my favorite...the jellyfish!!!
Matt and Colten trying to reach the jellyfish that didn't shock you!
Colten measuring up to a sword fish!
I found it funny after looking at the picture that Colten was doing his "happy feet" dance and the penguin is mocking him :)
Colten was able to pet the sharks in a special tank but was a little afraid to at first. I had to 'encourage' him to put his hand in the water and pet them as they swam by.
Not too long after and he was doing it all by himself!
Matt and I stopped to pose while Colten took our picture :)
Matt and Colten underwater in the aquarium. Colten loved the sting ray sharks. He had their names memorized and was on a hunt to find them!
Colten excited to be at his first pro football game...
Colts VS. Bengals...
They ended up losing and no big players ever touched the field, but it was fun to take in the experience! We'll have to go again at Lucas Oil Stadium!

We had a fun night back at Papaw Birdie's playing Scrabble and listening to some poems before we hit the hay and headed out for the mountains in the morning...
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