Glimpses of the happenings in our home where we have quickly become...out-numbered.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well, my little boy is growing up fast on me. Everyday he learns new things that make me realize he's not a little boy anymore. We were at the church one evening and one of his friends from church named Sam was riding a bike around the gym. Colten was interested cause he was riding without training wheels. Sam is 2 or 3 years older than Colten. The next morning Colten wakes up and tells Matt that he wants to ride without his training wheels. He says that he can do it cause Sam taught him :) He helps Matt take the wheels off, puts his helmet on, heads down the road and proceeds to ride without the training wheels, just like that. Of course he was wobbly at first, but I was impressed with how quickly he caught on with no help from us at all! After one block he was a pro! 2 days later he's riding down the hills of our yard! What a crazy kid!



While at the Children's Museum, Colten, Cade, and Matt display their amazing acting skills!