Okay so a long time ago I started a blog entry about our trip to the Smokie's and never finished it! Well, today's the day :) Here are more pics and stories about our memories in the smokies with our best friends...

So after the aquarium we met up with our friends and went to a Colt's game in Cincinatti. We were kinda bummed cause it was a pre-season game and we didn't get to see any of the 'big name' players play, but Colten loved the experience.

You can see how high up our seats were. Colten had a pair of binoculars that he looked through.

Here's everyone at our cabin up in the clouds. We were on Parrot Mtn. which Matt had to climb to the top of and touch the sign :). We were the last cabin at the top. We had a great view but it was tricky trying to get our vehicles up there. The turns were so sharp that we couldn't make the last two. We had to pull forward, back up one turn, then drive up the next bit, pull forward, and back up into the driveway...it was crazy. But gave us many laughs to remember :)

Our Mountain!!!

So one brisk rainy day we decide to take a drive up into the mountains for some scenic views. There was this spot that Stacey thought we should check out. "Clingman's Dome" was one of th highest peaks and you could see several states from atop it. None of us were really prepared for the coldness that came with the altitude but we weathered the rain and cold and took the trech up the mountain. Wow...did my legs ever burn! Colten wanted to be carried, Emma was crying most of the way up :), and Tom and Stacey had a stroller to push. We made it to the top! It was cold, extremely windy, and rainy but we can say we did it! It was very beautiful up there but we didn't want to stay long b/c we were freezing. Again...more laughs to share when we look back on it. We each had enough time to take our pics and then left.
On the way back down the Smokies we decided to stop at a place where Matt and I stopeed at on a vacation we took. Just a spot along the creek with huge rocks that you could walk on and explore. I thought it would be fun for Colten so we stopped. Remember it was cold so the water was bone chilling cold. There was no taking your socks off and wading the water. I can proudly say...I was the only one who did not fall in the water and get the shock of the cold. Below is Brad...he was first to fall :) he he

Tom rock climbing...I believe he was second to get wet. No he didn't fall from there, the rocks were extremely slippery since it had just rained so pretty much it was you lose your balance and fall in.

Matt jumping across the rocks. Matt would be next to fall in.

Colten loved climbing the huge rocks. Of course all boys love rocks and to see them that big he was in boy heaven...I think all the boys were :) But he was the last to fall in and he got it the worst. Most of them just got their shoes and socks wet, but Colten fell in the water completely and was drenched and screaming cause it was so so cold we had to strip him down and wrap him up in a towel and took him back to the cabin to change. We couldn't help but laugh but the poor kid was screaming. He didn't think it was too funny.

We did lots of putt-putting, I think I beat Matt most of the time ;) and Colten never really followed the rules but who doesn't love a round of putt-putt every now and then?

All the guys took turns carrying Colten's little bro. "G" as we played our games of putt-putt.

We played glow in the dark putt-putt. Colten found a man he resembles at the end. Hercules :)

Colten loved playing laser tag. He was Matt's little side kick...he'd follow him and 'had his dad's back'...literally. I think Matt had such a high score cause he had eyes in the back of his head named Colten. Way to go little man! You were the real winner. He'd sacrifice the shot for Matt!

Just a funny pic that Colten had to have in Gatlinburg.

We found a car just Colten's size in Gatlinburg. He was ready for the keys.

Matt and Colten VS. Mommy in go-carts...who won? Well, we all know that the go-carts for 2 always go much faster than the single ones. So it was an unfair race. Colten and Matt won ONLY BECAUSE their go-cart went faster! Had it been Matt vs. Terah in a real race...I think we all know who would have won and it wouldn't have been the man with all the talk :)

Taking their victory lap.

Colten dominating on the bumper cars. He really brought the thunder. He loved driving his own too. He thought he was pretty cool.
We had a great time in the Smokies. The best part was the sharing of laughs with friends. Memories we will treasure forever. I look forward to many more!
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