Glimpses of the happenings in our home where we have quickly become...out-numbered.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Colten is on his first t-ball team. Matt is his coach, we'll see how that plays out on the field! He really enjoys it because he has a couple of friends from church on his team. His team name is the 'Angels'! Ironic?
He was so excited cause he had his first game last weekend and grandma and papa Lee were coming to watch him with Uncle Bill! But, the game was canceled due to rain. He argued with us all morning about that one!...."No mom, I do have a game! It's not too rainy!" Here is a picture of him making a 'big swing' as he likes to call it in practice.

He's funny to watch because he is like Matt's little twin out there and assistant coach. He has to do everything Matt does! One day at practice he was trying to catch the ball and the girl next to him caught it and her dad cheered really loud for her and she said, "did you see that dad? I finally caught it!!!" Colten was up next and of course he missed it. He came running over to the fence to inform me that he didn't catch the ball. (moping the whole way of course) I gave him the ol' slap on the behind encouragement of 'keep tryin' bud, and off he went happy as a lark!!! I think it will turn out to be more entertainment for me than him, but I'm sure I'll have some good clips to share in the future!


tomandstacey said...

Awww... So cute how he came to tell you he didn't catch it. It makes me smile.


While at the Children's Museum, Colten, Cade, and Matt display their amazing acting skills!