Glimpses of the happenings in our home where we have quickly become...out-numbered.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


We went to the circus back in April. We learned two things....
1. They will sell ANYTHING at a circus and get your money any way they can.
2. Colten wants to be a clown...Go figure!!!

My camera died right after the big cats performed so I didn't get many pictures. We saw lions, tigers, (no bears...sorry)camels, elephants, horses, dogs, and the cutest little clown. There was a little boy who was dressed as a clown and entertained while they set up different things. His name was Jim Bo and Colten loved him. He talked non stop about him for the entire week to follow. I think he liked his moves. The boy danced alot and juggled.

Colten also got to ride an elephant! All by himself! (Well without mom and dad) You should have seen them whippin' those kids on and off of there to get as much money as they could in their short 15 minutes! It was comical!


Logan Jacot said...

Thanks for the great pictures of Circus Pages!

Take care,
Logan Jacot

Anonymous said...

how fun! I wish i could ride an elephant!


While at the Children's Museum, Colten, Cade, and Matt display their amazing acting skills!