How do you begin to even put into words how thankful you are for that one special person God has allowed you to walk hand in hand with?
Eleven years ago, I married my high school sweetheart, best friend, and love of my life! Today I see so much destruction in relationships and thank God for the blessing of love he has placed in our lives. Together we make it every day better than the next.
Tonight we went out to dinner and our waiter asked, "So what's your secret?" Without a second thought we replied, "God man, He's the secret." I know it may sound cliche, but it's the honest truth! We would be another statistic if we didn't strive to place Christ in the center of our relationship. It's Him that holds us together.
I wouldn't ask for any other...I'm thankful for you Matt :)
For you Matt:
This world, is full of love
love, love
But no one's got what we got,
Oh no baby,
You're laugh, your style, your smile,
Oh I love you,
No, one fits, me better,
We're quirky together!
I'm gonna write you a love song,
I'm gonna make the words so sweet,
I'm gonna write you a love song,
cause you're everything to me,
you're everything to me.
You, and the way, you hold,
Me close when we're dancin',
Even, when, I'm tryin',
to cook in the kitchen,
It's the little things that make me happy with you,
Like kissing my cheek,
Holding my hand,
and pillow talks to 1 a.m.
I'm gonna write you a love song,
I'm gonna make the words so sweet,
I'm gonna write you a love song,
cause you're everything to me,
you're everything to me.
I could sit and write for years to come,
of just how much, you've won, me over,
I'm so thankful that, God gave me you
We're a puzzle,
and the missing piece I need is you!
A few of my favorite pictures of us together over the years :)
Love you, now and forever...

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