Their first night with us, sleeping peacefully! I'll never forget the night we kissed them goodnight and that feeling of peace/relief..."sigh...finally, we're together...forever!"
Another favorite memory of mine was the night we said our prayers, kissed them goodnight, and told them as we did every night, "I love you". And Onah giggled and said, "I love you too" as he continued to giggle. I don't think he knew exactly what it meant to 'love us' but he knew we loved him first, and that love went hand in hand with caring, belonging, and happiness, and he wanted to be apart of that so he loved us too...
Kinda how our love for God is. He says he loves us and we can't comprehend how deep/wide/long his love for us is, yet we know it goes hand in hand with caring, belonging, and happiness and we'd be crazy not to want to be apart of that so we love him because he first loved us!

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