While visiting my parents for Christmas in Rushville it snowed...like...A LOT! (Which we don't see much of now that we are in Lex-Vegas.) So much that we had to delay going home because we were advised on to travel kind of snow. The kids didn't mind though, that meant they got to play in it!
Colten was on cloud nine! He's my snow monster! He's the kid I have to make come in out of the cold because there are icicles hanging from his eyelashes! (Literally...there were!!!) Onah just likes to play in it cause it's a soft surface when wrestling older brother! Matt likes the snow cause he can do things to his kids that he normally can't do and it won't hurt them! For example, he's yelling..."hey Terah, watch this"...I see him fling Onah in the air as my jaw about hits the snow bank, only to watch Onah land in a huge drift of snow and come up laughing hysterically!
Needless to say, you won't find many pictures of the girls in the snow because they on the other hand did not like it one bit! We bundled them up like little snow bunnies and dragged them outside to experience the winter wonder land only to hear a lot of crying and complaining for 5 minutes and off they went back inside! (Yep 5 minutes is all it took!) So while the boys were out pummeling each other in the snow my girls spent their time doing......
And this! haha!
I mean...I don't blame the girls!
It was blowing snow everywhere, and FREEZING cold! The wind was so bad! It was a blizzard!
These are the only glimpses we got of them in the snow!
I'm sure Izzy was running away from me towards the door!
Colten's classic snow angel!
Love those cold little frozen cheeks!!!
He's really just a big kid! Look at that smile!
Turned out all the grand kids got a snowball maker from grandma and grandpa! Came in handy! :)
Not cool when your older brother throws a snow ball right in the only place where skin is exposed! Been there done that...not fun!
Seen this look one too many times! He's thinking..."I really want to tackle you into the huge drift you're standing in and make you eat snow"...then some sense comes over him all of a sudden and he realizes I'm holding a really expensive piece of equipment and once again I'm safe! I love technology! :)
Distracted by the camera and gets hit by Colten's snow ball fury!
In his mind this is equivalent to laying on the sandy beach!
Such a perfect shot! Dad was out shoveling the walk and threw a shovel full of snow at Colten! haha!!! He loved it!...Colten that is (Oh, I'm sure dad loved it too!)

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