We went to Boyd's orchard again this year with Tates Creek families and had a great time. Lots to do and see and evening came and we enjoyed a well built fire with food and an enjoyable concert put on by the kids. The best part however was our "Going on a Bear Hunt" with Pam Bolt! You had me laughing so hard I was crying and snorting, it was rather embarrassing! :)

Found a cute idea for some "jar-o-lanterns" in a family magazine. Found some jars that match the sizes of our kiddos and went to work :) They loved it and had so much fun!

Colten and his friend Drew as we arrived at Boyd's Orchard. Pretty much inseparable the whole day.

Izzy found a toy she liked, the tunnels. I think she could have played in it all day. She loves Peek-a-Boo! She'd never crawl all the way through...she'd stop half way and back right back out.

Pumpkin picking time! We went to the 'small patch' since you pay by the ounce :) Onah and Marie didn't get the concept that they were picking just 1 pumpkin. I think they thought they were there to clean up all the pumpkins, cause they pick up EVERY pumpkin, put in the wagon, and I'd take it back out! haha! We finally settled on just 1!

Riding in the wagon. We had to walk a long way to get to the 'large pumpkin's patch'.

Grandma and Papaw Lee came down for a visit and went with us to the orchard. This was such an irresistable picture with them walking with Izzy to the pumpkin patch.

TOO MUCH WALKING! We sat for awhile and enjoyed some apples while the older boys searched for 'the biggest pumpkin they could find'.

Our carved pumpkins.

We cut down the tree in the backyard this summer, but instead of raking leaves this year we had to rake PINE NEEDLES! urgh! Izzy was having fun helping daddy rake up the needles. Somehow she ended up IN them!

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