So the doctor got my hopes up on Thursday and made it sound like I was going to have this baby before the weekend! Days passed by slowly and no baby so when the weekend came, we decided to go walking all day on Saturday. Looking back, I don't know what I was thinking cause I've tried everything only to make myself more miserable in the long run, so why I thought more walking would work is beyond me? :) But we did anyway. Besides it was fun to get to spend some fun quality time with just Colten before baby sis comes!
So we started off going to a small festival at a Botanical Garden where they had a corn maze, pumpkins, painting, and lots of other fun stuff. We walked the corn maze and was able to find some souveneir ears of corn, or for Matt and Colten more like swords for a great duel.

Colten learned the secret of finding the good ears of corn: look for the ones that are so heavy they point down to the ground. The maze was nothing like 1 Fun Farm but it was nice cause Colten could lead us around and not get lost :)

After the corn maze we stopped by the pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin to decorate and paint. Colten didn't want to get a pumpkin cause he spotted a cool gourd that was in the shape of a duck. So he actually didn't even look at any pumpkins he was consumed by the gourds :) Which is fine cause he'll be going on a field trip at the end of the month with his class to a pumpkin patch, over fall break he'll be going to a pumpkin patch with daddy and the kids in 'UpTown' at church, and we'll be going to another pumpkin patch with my folks to celebrate Oct. birthdays in the middle of the month, so he'll have plenty other opportunities to pick out the perfect pumpkin :) He said, "mommy it's just like in the book, 'Too Many Pumpkins', I'll have too many :)"

Here is the 'duck' before the painting ensues. Colten and Matt were discussing a plan on how to paint the duck. They knew they needed eyes on it, but didn't know how to paint the body. After much discussion they decided to paint it like the horses in downtown Lexington.
The streets of downtown are filled with 'the parade of horses'. They are horse sculptures decorated and painted in various abstract ways. Colten LOVES to look at them and see all the different designs and at school in art class he got to design his own. So he wanted to paint his duck like the horses in an abstract way :)

My two boys hard at work. Colten eventually quit painting to get his face painted and left daddy with all the work. It was a good 40-60 split of the work :)
The duck turned out cute and everyone commented on it (which made Colten's day).

Before we left Colten had to get his picture on the tractor and Matt had to get my picture with him as proof that I was there in all my glory :)
From this festival we left to head downtown to Rupp Arena and the Convention Center to see some Equine stuff for the equestrian games which had started. We walked and walked around the convention center for 2-3 hours and then left to head outdoors to all the festivities downtown. All of downtown was packed with tents, booths, live music, amazing food, and lots of people.
Along the way Colten had to stop and take a few pictures with some of his favorite horses along the way...

This one was Colten's favorite.
Colten was SUPER surprised when he spotted a race car. He wanted his picture taken so I stopped to take his picture next to it. He took a look at it and said, "no mom! I need to take another picture this time with my cool pose. So here he is in his 'cool pose' next to the race car...
We found some supper and watched some of the opening ceremonies on a big screen they had set up. Then we ventured over to check out some live music. As we waited for them to get the stage set up Colten entertained hundreds of people in the crowd with is crazy dance moves. It was quite funny. He was doing the 'pass the funk' wave, breakdancing (of course), s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n moves, the famous, "bear claw", and many more. He kept at it for a good 45 minutes! My favorite was when he decided to do the 'lasso and reel 'em in' move. All of a sudden I look up and see him swinging his hand over his head like a lasso into the sea of people behind us...throwing it out there, and reeling it in. I was too afraid to turn around and look to see who he 'caught', but about that time a lady came up behind me and said, "your son is too cute!" LOL He had me rolling all night long!
We finally got home at 9:45 and Colten was asleep within 5 minutes of being in the van on the way. It was a great evening with unbelievable weather and good times :)