Well, it's official! I have a kindergartener! School started in Lexington Aug. 11th. We were fortunate enough to find a house before school started and put an offer in so the school in our district would allow us to bring him there. We had to have a contract in place in order to send him to a school. Otherwise he would have had to be pulled out of a school after 3 weeks of being there. So things worked out well.
Colten started out in Mrs. Lawrence's kindergarten class. Friday 3 days later we get a call from the guidance counselor. Of course I'm thinking..."What has he done now? Is he hurt? Why is he seeing the counselor?" Matt and I quickly called back and had a talk with her. She informed us that Colten scored very high in the reading and math assessments and thought it would be in his best interest to move him up to the k/1 class. (Worked for me since Colten refused to tell people he was in Kindergarten. When asked he's say, "1st"! I asked him why and he said it was because Kindergarten didn't have a number. Ha!)
So on Monday Colten moved to a new classroom mixed with 1st graders and Kindergarteners. He now eats and plays with the 1st grade which he's not too happy about cause he doesn't get to see his old friends. In his new class, the teacher Mrs. Gahafer was on maternity leave and would return until Sept. So he had a permanent sub, Mrs. Alexander. I had to explain to him..."you have a new teacher but she's not your real teacher". How confused he must have been!
So today...he left for school to meet his new and final new teacher, Mrs. Gahafer who is returning today. I think he's really going to like her. We've heard wonderful things about her and she even called on Sat. afternoon and talked for quite awhile about how Colten was doing and making sure we didn't have any questions!
Well, enough about teachers. I'm sure you're wondering how the first official day went? We got up early and Colten was actually ready to get up at 6:30 am. (since then, he's been a total grouch and I've learned he's alot like me. Just don't talk to him unless he initiates it and he'll be better :) We got all ready in our new clothes and new shoes, new backpack and lunch box and he was ready to go. We all jumped in the van, after some pictures of course, and headed to school. On the way we read a scripture together that talked about God being everywhere with us. I told Colten through choked back tears that even though mommy and daddy won't be with him throughout the day, God will always be there by his side.
There were so many people there! I'm not used to big schools. Grew up in small schools, taught in small schools, and even the schools in Muncie are small compared to this one! So I was in a little shock. Matt parked the car and I walked Colten up to his classroom where there were lots of parents and his teacher standing by the door. I helped him unload his stuff into his cubby, my eyes began to fill with tears and I knew I had to get out of there! So I quickly grabbed him, gave him a huge hug and kiss and said my goodbye and walked out. I was able to hold back all the tears until I opened the van door and then, I couldn't hold it any longer.
Matt took me to breakfast, which was nice to spend some time with him and he was so nice not to make fun of me for crying.
The day was excellent for Colten, he loved it, and was very well behaved from what his teacher had shared with me. My day was very long. I tried to find stuff to do to keep me busy. I thought it would be the perfect day to go and register for a baby shower, so I did :) Met Matt for lunch and went to wait eagerly in the long line to pick up Colten. (When I say long, I mean the line was like a mile and a half long! I waited 40 min. to pick him up! The line seems to go alot faster now. I think they got all the kinks worked out.) Anyway, that was his first day!....(I guess I should say, 'our' first day) Here are some cute pics of my little kindergartener!
Getting ready to get in the van. (No it is not in reverse about to run him over, the lights came on cause we unlocked the doors. ha! I've had people ask)
showing off his new lunch box!
Mommy walking him into school and up to his classroom.
Colten making his way up the stairs in school to his classroom. He didn't want me to walk beside him cause he wanted to show me how he could find it all by himself.
Monday, August 30, 2010
First Day Of School!
Posted by Matt and Terah Lee at 10:58 AM
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While at the Children's Museum, Colten, Cade, and Matt display their amazing acting skills!
Ahhhhh.... Now I can leave you a comment. It's too bad I can't remember all the comments I would have left you before. I'm sure they were hilarious. Now I can't think of anything funny. ;)
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