So Matt's favorite time of day is coming home from work! The kids are so excited to see him and I'm sure you can hear the girls squeal all the way down the road! On this particular day the girls were sitting in the window watching for daddy and went crazy when they saw him pull up. He couldn't resist pulling out his camera and snapping a few photos for keepsake :)
Marie sitting in the window.
Izzy all giggles and excited to see 'dada'
Izzy loves standing on the box under the window so she can keep a look out for daddy.
Colten got a pumpkin on Halloween on his school field trip. He decided not to carve it and leave it outside for decoration for Thanksgiving. Well, apparently the squirrels around our house were planning their own Thanksgiving feast. I have never seen anything like it. We have vicious squirrels! They attacked the pumpkin and clawed their way in to the seeds.
Yay!!! Onah and Marie finally got their bunk beds! Their room is SO much bigger now with bunk beds! They have room to play! :) Thanks to Aunt Sabra!

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