The kids got to spend a week on the farm and Matt and I got to spend a little time together kid-free. All of us had a great time. With our time Matt and I watched ants, got lost in the country, slept peacefully, and had a fun impromtu trip to Campbellsville. The following pics will show what the kids got to do with their time.
Butterflies :)
Fourth of July we watched the fireworks in Louisville on the riverfront. Izzy did not like them :(
Riding horses at church of all places! Our kids love going to church with grandma and papaw!
Izzy found a horse on the farm that she can handle herself!
Marie riding horses at church. They got to meet several friends who had prayed for them for many years. So special how God brings us all together to share in His glory!
Grandma worked and worked with Onah and Marie all week on swimming without floaties! By the end of the week BOTH Onah and Marie were able to swim across the pool without floaties! So proud of them!
It wouldn't be a trip to the farm without a horseback ride!
The kids love George!
Colten found a snake and was brave enough to hold it like a true snake handler! My brave boy!
I love watching fireworks!
Four-wheel ride with daddy!
So Colten had made a list of all the things he wanted to do at the farm. Some of them included: hunt frogs, hunt snakes, paddleboat, ride horses, pick blackberries, hike in the woods, eat, hunt lizards, swim, ride 4-wheeler,...and deer hunt :) Grandma got his list all checked off...we hunted for deer w/o ammo and found none :( Next fall he'll be ready! Overall, they came home exhausted and had a great time.