So who needs Jacobson Park or Shillito when you have one in your own backyard?
You know my husband he found a friend getting rid of a playground, tore it down, and used the materials to add to ours. You know, bigger...better...argh argh argh!
So we used our Memorial Day weekend to get some things done around the house including this cool play set. Matt's determined to make our yard the "coolest yard in the neighborhood".
Here is a before shot of our play set...
And here are some after shots...
yes it wraps around the tree
(cool huh?)
Must be the new hang out spot :)
Here's a good 'after shot'
There are 3 slides!
Yes, we have 1 more...
NO, Matt may not add it!
I think she likes it!
Every playground needs a rock wall and a rope swing!
The bridge...
Another angle of the 'after shot'.
Happy kids=success :)