This mother's day was extremely special. All my kids were here with me....that makes me one blessed momma! :)
Mommy and Marie, I think this is my favorite hairstyle for her. She likes it too cause she can shake her beads!! haha
Onah snapping a picture with me. He LOVES his sunglasses! He would wear them to bed if I let him!!
Colten attempting to sit on my lap!!! He's getting too big!!!!! He's almost as big as me in this picture.
My sweet lil' Izzy. This was attempt 10 at the picture I think. She doesn't sit still for very long :)
It was a wonderful Mother's Day, rainy but that was perfect because this momma got to rest which is the best gift ever!
My kids know me too well...(and maybe their dad too), but they gave me lots of music to rock out to, chocolate (that I had to share), and a sweet t-shirt!
See Onah got a shirt from a friend that said, "dad is rad". So of course I raised concern of "where's my t-shirt that says, 'mom's the bomb?"
Well, guess what my shirt from the kids said?...
On the back the kids drew their handprints. Matt suggested each year we compare hand sizes to see how they grow...not sure about that, it might be depressing to see how fast they are growing up on me!
To sum it all up, I am blessed beyond measure because of all the love these kids pour on me daily! Every day I get a ton of hugs and kisses, not many people can say that! My kids are wonderful, and I guess my husband is ok too :)