Well, it's been about a year since I've last updated so I think now would be a good time to post something on here :) So here's the plan...quick update and lots of pics! We'll start with Matt...
Matt is loving his job here in Lexington and is quite excited about lots of new opportunities God is opening up for him. Partnering with JME, Rescue night (where he is producing his first 'movie' LOL), and enjoying lots of time with Colten and boy scouts, karate, and school. He has changed his work hours so he gets off at 4 pm now and goes in earlier which is SUPER nice cause the kids get more daddy time and mommy gets more 'help' time. Here's a lovely pic of him getting beat up by his uptown kids in karate class!

Colten: Well, he's a big first grader this year and at first was not sure about having a new teacher. Really I think he was heart broken cause he had a crush on his k/1 teacher ;). He is doing very well so far. He's in the top reading group and ahead of scores for 1st grade in every subject. He's such a smart little boy! Over the summer he played t-ball and like every other sport he has tried was tired of it after a couple weeks. He's really good at baseball if he'd just put some effort into it he would be an allstar! :)
Colten is adjusting very well considering all the life changes he has had to make in the last year: moving, going from the only child to 3 siblings, etc... He of course has his jealous moments and was emotional for a while but he is doing just fine now. He gets lots of mommy and daddy time to himself. He recently started boy scouts and is in Karate, which he LOVES. He seriously thinks he's a ninja when he is practicing, invincible! haha He's made lots of neighborhood friends which is new to us. The little girl across the street has become one of his best friends they are always together.
I think he really likes being a big brother.

Kentucky Derby time, at Colten's school they have a 'kid-tucky derby'. Colten chose to be a jockey for the day and race on his stick horse :) He was so upset that he lost, but had fun dressing up!

Colten by the Christmas tree @ Tates Creek after his Christmas program. He is such a handsome little guy! Can't believe how much he's grown since Christmas! Kinda crazy!

Colten went with Matt last fall on a trip with the Uptown Kids to "the natural bridge". It was COLD and I stayed home with Izzy!

At our favorite park flying Colten's new 'airhog' he got from the Easter bunny! Daddy had just as much fun :)

Colten loves that there are trees he can climb in our yard all by himself. He's always up in the trees!

We went to see the Easter performance at SouthEast Christian Church. Colten LOVED it. Afterwards we saw all the actors walking around. He wanted to meet the guy who played satan??? but settled for the roman soldier cause he had cool makeup on his arms that made it look like he had huge gashes in his arms. BOYS!

Swimming at the Porter's house this summer. Onah and Marie had the 'puddle jumpers' life jackets on so of course Colten had to have them too!

Colten finally lost his first tooth! He was worried about when it would happen as lots of his friends had already lost several teeth. But it finally came loose and he wouldn't let us pull it! It fell out on the way home from church! The tooth fairy brought him $5! What was she thinking!!!!

Love, Love, Love this pic. Recently it was national walk to school day. Matt and Colten walked to school from the church and had extra time so they went through the park next to the school to kill some time. Colten enjoyed walking through the fog and went for a hunt and found several spider webs!

Isabella is now a one year old! She turned one in Sept. She has been walking now for about 3 months. She had to keep up with all the kids in our house! She is definitely spoiled! She loves to wrestle with daddy and snuggle with mommy :) You can often find her climbing everything in the house! She has formed quite the bond with her big sister Marie. The two of them love chasing each other and giggling. My favorite is when I have Izzy in my arms and I open Marie's bedroom door to wake her up and Izzy starts squealing and giggling cause she's so excited to wake up her big sis. :)
She says momma, dadda, bubba, papaw, and tries to repeat words like more, bottle, baby, dog. She loves playing with baby dolls. Once I found her with a wash cloth and her baby doll scrubbing the baby's face :) Too cute! She hugs her baby and pats it on the back and tries to feed it bottles. Speaking of bottles. She is her mother's child. She is hooked on the bottle and loves finding them and carrying them around! Tried to give her milk in her sippy and she refused to drink it! Gave it to her in her bottle and it was gone in minutes! STINKER!
How has Izzy handled the last few months? Well, she is extremely jealous of when Onah and Marie sit on mommy's lap! She screams and tries to yank them off. She is getting better, however she still has her jealous days. She's learning to share my lap.
Looks like she will be getting tubes soon in her ears...can't quit these ear infections! URGH. I'm just hoping this is a good 'sick season' year for the Lee's! Less ear infections will be nice! Still NO TEETH! I'm wondering if they are ever going to come in! Doc says, everyone has teeth hers just having poked through yet :) We were thinking when Colten lost his tooth she'd get one, it didn't work that way! haha!
Izzy is such a laid back and happy baby! She's always got a smile on her face and brings our family so much joy! What a sweetie!

Here's her cute little smile at 5 months old!

Christmas 2010 sitting by the tree with Colten. They are like twins! It's crazy how much they look alike!

Izzy hanging out under the Christmas tree at Grandma Lee's. She loved looking at the ornaments and batting them with her hand.

Pretty blue eyes hanging out at Landon's birthday party.

I just love this side by side picture! Colten is on the left and Izzy is on the right. Now doubt they are related! :)

Speaking of being related! Is it just me or do these two have similar smiles ;)

OK, funny story...Matt was watching the kids while I went out for a bit. He fell asleep only to wake up to Izzy had climbed up on the end-table and was searching through his wallet! That's my girl, looking for the money...sorry honey, daddy has none! :)

Swimming with Colten on our summer get-away while daddy was at a week of camp. She has no fear of water, just like all the other Lee kids :) I know, I know...what's up with giving the baby a pen, she was happy, give me a break! LOL

Onah feeding Izzy her bottle. He thought it was pretty comical that she tried to pick his nose while he was feeding her.

Izzy and Colten had their first train ride when the Huff clan went on an adventure for October birthdays. It was alot of fun but we were ready for the 'rocky ride' to be over, especially those who get car sick! :)

Me and Colten and Izzy before the train ride :)

One of the cutest things ever! When shopping I try to find places to shop that have double seat on the cart. So Marie and Izzy were sharing the seat on the cart and Izzy would not stop hugging Marie! It was so cute. Marie would let go and Izzy would lean in and want another hug. I had to snap a pic for proof when they are teenagers :)


Too much hiking for Izzy

On Izzy's first birthday we gave her a 'critter cake' with pink icing. She dug her fingers into it licked it and started crying and screaming. I tried to feed it to her to show her she really would like it if she tried it and she kept spitting it out at me! So we took it away from her to make her stop crying hysterically. Grandma Lee had the grand idea of giving her the chocolate cake I had made for everyone else with chocolate icing and candies on top. Below are the results...

It was almost instantaneous,...tears to laughter :) Another quality like her momma...girl loves her chocolate!

Here's my diva birthday girl. I can't believe how big she has gotten! Last time I posted on here she was an 8 lb. baby laying in my arms, not look at her!
Ok, so this has become an extremely long post and I'm only 1/2 way through our family! I will work on an update on Onah and Marie and myself and post soon. I really should not wait another year before posting! It takes forever to update! Stay tuned for more to come on the Lee family!

This was our last family photo before all the craziness started. The calm before the storm :)