She has arrived. You can tell that life has been kinda crazy lately since I am just now posting about Izzy's arrival! Actually my other excuse is that our computer has not been allowing me to sign onto my blog account...strange? So I'm finally able to update my life ;) ha!
So Isabella Grace was born the day after my due date... September 29, 2010
She weighed 8 pounds and 1 ounce and was 21 inches long and looks just like her brother!

Her timing in coming was perfect! Started having contractions at 5:30 in the morning took Colten to school and headed to the hospital from there. Was checked in at 8:00 and she was born at 2:45. Her birth was much easier than Colten's!
Of course you know she's gonna be spoiled and her daddy is wrapped around her little finger already! Here's some more pics of our beautiful little girl.

Going home!! She wore her little sister shirt and Colten wore his big brother shirt to school!

Her first Sunday at church...and her first dress. She was so cute!

Our new family addition. This was our first Sunday back as a family with our new little one.

Colten loves snuggling with her before he goes to school. So precious!

And she even has her brother wrapped around her little finger. She stole his blankie!

Getting to know each other. She loves laying naked on the floor! She had a bad heat rash poor thing. It must have felt bette without clothes!

Visit with Grandma Great!