This was an attempt to cheer up my grandma Huff in the hospital. (I think it worked) It was accompanied by Colten's joke...'what did the chicken say when he crossed the road? "Boooga"!'
Recognize these twins?
Colten had found his daddy's glasses and wanted to be a 'smarty pants'!
"Super Man" is ready for the snow. He loves to sled and play in the snow! (But not in his underwear!)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fun Pictures
Posted by Matt and Terah Lee at 8:51 AM 1 comments
Now it's Colten's turn! He turns 3 this year. He is so excited about his birthday. He talks about it every day. He has a hard time holding up the 3 fingers so he tells people he's 3 but holds up the 4 fingers. This is the first year we decided to let him invite his friends his age to his party. So with that in mind we decided to have it at the church. I think me staying at home and planning things like this is not the best idea. I love it...but I might have gone a little overboard! But hey...It will be a birthday to remember! I think we will have about 50-60 people there. Not just kids, their parents too. I would feel like I was back in Jamaica with 50-60 kids in one room! (When we taught a VBS in Jamaica I had 80 kids in my 5 and 6 year old class! We had to use church pews to corral them in one area!) Matt decided that I should try and make the cake. His party is a racing themed party because of his love for race cars. So I went out and got a cake pan shaped like a car and decided, I would give it a shot. I don't know if it will come out looking like a bus or not. We'll see, I am making it today! That is my goal! Then I am making cupcakes with oreos on top and a lifesaver in the middle to look like tires. And Colten saw me looking on line one day and asked me to make these cake I am attempting those too! I feel like a Martha Stewart! On top of all that I made little race cars out of candy for the kids at the party. I think they turned out pretty it overboard yet? We had to find ways to intertain the people at this party so we of course got the classic pin the something on something. In this case it is pin the car in the winner's circle. We got these cute little racing helmets and are going to have tricycle races. We are also going to let all the little kids paint their own race car. I think I will need a spa treatment after Saturday! So Matt got a whole week for his birthday and Colten gets the whole church for his birthday! I think he will be pretty excited. He'll probably do his 'run around and yell at the top of my lungs because I'm so excited and don't know how to show it in the right way' think he does! Obviously I have a lot of work to get done so I will have to post the results of this party after Saturday sometime. Hopefully it won't be a couple months like it has been for me to post a blog again!
Posted by Matt and Terah Lee at 8:29 AM 1 comments
Matt's Birthday
We celebrated Matt's birthday on Feb. 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd! Yep, pretty much the whole week was designated as 'Matt's birthday!' What's up with that? It was enjoyable though. Wed. night we have prayer meeting and Matt is in charge of the 'Truth Travelers' so he pretty much had to be there. So Colten and I took his cake to church and celebrated with the kids there. Little did Matt or I know but one boy in the Truth Travelers decided to call all of the kids and ask them to make a card for Matt. So he had a surprise party that neither of us knew about! Matt was so excited about that! He even got his favorite cookies, no bakes, from the kids! So from there Friday night we went down to Rushville for some of Matt's favorite specialty pizza, taco and cowboy pizza, at pizza king. We found out they are the only pizza king around that makes those two specialty pizzas! We met with our parents there and hung out for QUITE A WHILE! Matt ran into the manager, who we went to school with, and had a great, but long, conversation with him. Then Saturday night we went with some friends to Indianapolis to eat and laugh! What a great combination right? Our friend Stacey had a birthday on Friday so we thought it would be fun for the four of us to go out and celebrate (even though one of us kept insisting that it WASN'T their birthday...I won't name names....Tom...whoops it slipped!) Finally on Sunday the celebrations came to an end. I think Matt had a pretty good birthday!
Posted by Matt and Terah Lee at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Colten's Debut
Colten loves to sing and dance along when Matt or I play guitar. Well, one day he decided that he no longer needed us and he wanted to play the guitar and sing his favorite song, "Never Let Go". Of course as his mom I think he is awesome! I'm a BIG fan!'ll have to scroll down all the way to the bottom of this page to pause my music if you want to hear him sing.
Posted by Matt and Terah Lee at 8:05 AM 0 comments