Well, it is a little late but it took me a while to set up the blog account. I'm very anal about making sure everything is just right with pictures and stuff beofre I go all in. So this is my first blog.....
Christmas morning was so much fun this year. I thought
last year was fun, but this year Colten understood the Santa thing a little better and was so excited the night before about him coming and leaving stuff for him. He thought for sure that Santa was going to leave him a choo choo train. The next morning we had to wake him up. We woke up about 7:30 and brought him downstairs. Of
course we had to pump up the fact that "Santa has been here! He left you something!!!" He was so excited! He instantly said, "He left me a choo choo!" We get down to the bottom of the stairs and Matt had the train going round and round. This is what our Christmas consisted of for the next 15 minutes!
Later Colten was thrilled to find out he had gotten his race track that he had asked for too! I love this pic of his face!
Matt got what he had been asking for....another garage door opener. He f
elt left our since his car had to stay out in the cold. I never really minded until I had to switch him cars since I don't have to travel as much as he does. Now he drives my car, and I have to drive his. After one time of driving the car and having to manually open and shut the door as I pull in and out I decided I should get him another garage door opener!
I was surprised by Matt with the gift that I had asked for. I didn't think I was going to get it. I had been asking for a guitar. I even went and showed him what I wanted!
I didn't think I was going to get it 'cause I never saw it around the house, I knew he couldn't leave it out in the car. Christmas Eve he had asked to go by the church late at night when we got home. I thought that was kinda strange and I thought, "maybe he has to pick up my guitar!" But he walked out of the church empty handed. The next morning he got up before all of us. Left to go to the church, and switched around the guitar cases and made me search for my last present. It was right behind me the whole time and I didn't notice it! This is a "lowner" guitar until mine comes in. But it's still "sweet"!
So despite all the "stuff" we got for Christmas I found this year's Christmas was more joyful for me than any other for many reasons. The first reason is because it is the first year that I have been able to stay at home and enjoy the ENTIRE Christmas season with my family. I really didn't realize how much I was missing out on even when I had the days off from work. It was truely a different experience this year. That was reason to be joyful.Second, we spent alot of time giving this year. It was AMAZING this year to be such a blessing to so many others. Every year my family is a blessing to other families, but this year through a huge toy drive that God blessed our church with we were able to bless 6 families, and 46 kids at a local school! I must add that we were able to bless so many people only because of God made it possible. Matt wasn't even going to do the toy drive and at the last minute decided it's something God was calling him to do and we worried that we wouldn't have enough for the need that came about. We found real soon there is no need to worry about the details when God calls something into action! He takes care of it! He just needs us to be his hands and feet. He is the organizer! I was able to go on some "deliveries" with Matt to drop off toys and gifts to these families. It just brought such joy to me to be able to be apart of bringing the joy only Jesus Christ can bring into the lives and homes of these strangers!
God has deepened my love for Jesus' birth this year. I always knew what it was all about but not until he led me to scripture in the old testament about how Israel struggled to follow God and how he longed for them like he longed for Adam and Eve after they sinned and could no longer be close to him. ( I was reading in Hosea....a cool book about God's love story to us!) He knew the only way was to come down to Earth and help them. They were doomed to death! We in turn were doomed to death! God couldn't stand that! He said, "I will not destroy you in my anger, I am God not a human!!!!" Wow how powerful! He sent his son here. I have a new favorite Christmas song, "Angels We Have Heard On High". Because it talks about Jesus being brought here for a rescueing of God's people. Gloria (meaning extreme JOY) Hallelujah (THANK YOU!) How could you not shout HALLELUJAH knowing what God has done for you this Christmas season, out of the undying love he has for YOU!