Glimpses of the happenings in our home where we have quickly become...out-numbered.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

When Mommy's Away We Play, Play, Play

I briefly posted about Matt's fun with the kids while I was away for the weekend, but here's the full scoop of what the kids did while I was away.

Yes, those are harnesses the kids are wearing....
in my backyard!

You never know what will happen when daddy's in charge of the fun....

 A zip-line was created in our backyard!
The kids LOVE it and to them they are sailing high above the ground about a mile, but in actuality, it's about 5 ft. off the ground and between two trees close together...(our yard's not that big!)
Even Izzy got to zip on the zipline
....Never boring here!

Of course since I was gone, Matt had to get the chainsaw out!  
But I actually like the end product,....
One over grown tree trimmed back and shaped up!
Looks nice!

 So remember I had said the kids created a bird house/feeders all of their own?

Well, here's the cuties painting their creations
I just love Izzy's cheesy smile :)

Stripes for Colten...
His turned out so nice :)

Onah painting...surprisingly I saw no mess from all the paint!  How did that happen?!

Major props to daddy for putting a do-rag on Marie's head to cover her cornrows I worked so hard on!
She looks pretty cute in it too!

Sunday in church I'm sure Colten was in HEAVEN!
Matt had a special speaker come in who attends our church and travels all over the world collecting...
He brought in some creatures and Colten got to hold a Hissing Madagascar something or other?!
(Not a mom thing!)
He couldn't have been happier!

Yes, that is a real tarantula on Matt's face!
I almost screamed just looking at the picture!
Glad I was far from the church when that bad boy was let out!
I think I would have had the natural reaction to squish the poor thing!

 The kids and their birdhouses/feeders

Matt did an excellent job with the kids all weekend, and now I know I can do this more often :)

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While at the Children's Museum, Colten, Cade, and Matt display their amazing acting skills!